Next Level 250 Series

Thank you for attending Lesson 6 of our 8 week Training Series! Please note that lessons do not have to be taken in numerical order. You are welcome to start anytime during the 2 month rotation.
Here are your notes and homework from class. Keep practicing to solidify all you learned.
Looking forward to seeing you next week!


If you are interested in Private, Semi Private or Small Group Instruction, our excellent line up of Club Coaches are ready and available to help you! See Club Coach schedules and rates:  Club Coaches

Serve Mechanic

  • Soft loose grip and arm
  • Contact point out in front low by your knee
  • Weight transfers forward into non paddle leg in front
  • Front shoulder and hip are positioned towards your target- follow through pointing at your target

Return of Serve Mechanic

  • Turn sideways and load forward on front leg
  • Short Backswing- paddle butt to back hip
  • Contact point out in front 12″ in front of your front leg
  • Weight transfers forward into front leg
  • Swing plane is to the side of your body with extended arm- not a pendulum swing

Deep Serve Collector Drill

  • Place cone dividing service box into 2 depths
  • Players serve partner to partner seeing who can get the most deep serves
  • 1 min rounds- both on odd and even sides

Serve/Return Practice

  • Grab a Partner and Serve and Return to each other
  • Practice hitting them deep and accurate
  • Use targets if needed for motivation on returns of serve